Coding Java Linux

Configuring IntelliJ to work with Podman

Update: IntelliJ Idea version 2021.3 now supports Podman out of the box. If you are using that version, these may not be needed anymore.

One of the things I missed when I migrated from Docker to Podman was the builtin integration in IntelliJ. As more users migrate to Podman, I believe it will be supported, since there seems to be interest for it. In the mean time, it’s possible to make IntelliJ work well with it with just a small work around.

In order to it to work, you have to trick IntelliJ into thinking it is working with Docker.

First, create a symlink to point the Docker socket to the Podman socket:

ln -s /run/user/$(id -u)/podman/podman.sock /var/run/user/$(id -u)/docker.sock

Then, adjust your Docker configuration so that it uses a rootless Unix socket to talk to the Podman daemon, like in the image below:

You can check if it is working, by going to the services tab and connecting to the daemon. It should display the images and other of your local resources:

I believe that linking the socket also helps with running tests based on TestContainers, as you don’t have to export the DOCKER_HOST variable anymore. They should “just work”, as they used to with Docker and as shown in the image below:

This should work for Fedora. I haven’t tried this on OS X yet, but I presume it would work with similar steps.

By Otavio Piske

Just another nerd

One reply on “Configuring IntelliJ to work with Podman”

This works great for browsing images and containers, starting and stopping them. But I can’t seem to be able to build. I get
Failed to deploy (…) Status 500: {“cause”:lchown /var/tmp/libpod_builder/build: invalid argument”,”message”:”potentially insufficient UIDs or GIDs available in user namespace (requested $(id -u):1000 for ….

Building directly from command line works fine.

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