Coding Fedora Linux Mac OS X

Controlling a PC via HomeKit: revisited

A little more than three years ago I wrote a series of posts describing how to use Apple’s HomeKit to control the power of a desktop (or home server). The idea was to implement a solution that allowed me to turn the computer on or off using my iOS / iPadOS devices. The posts described […]

Coding Mac OS X

Try Apache Maven Daemon

Have nothing better to do this – long, if you are in Czech Republic – weekend? Why not try Apache Maven Daemon, instead? Updates: – 2022-09-23: the script was updated to Maven Daemon version 0.8.1. Well, sadly if you are developing your Java code on an Apple Silicon Mac, there’s no ARM build yet due […]

Mac OS X

Fixing Logitech MX Keys on MacOS

If you are using a @Logitech MX Keys on multiple OSes you will notice that it prints a few different characters on MacOS than it does on Linux and Windows. I have never found a way to force it to behave the same way on all operating systems. Although you can tweak a bit using […]

Coding Mac OS X

Slow Zsh shell with Git?

I have a few large git repositories that were very slow when I accessed them from my Mac. I tried to solve the problem with different things: running git gc, disabling plugins, running OS X maintenance with Onyx, but nothing was solving the problem. It seems that the problem is caused by OMZ reading the […]

Fedora Linux Mac OS X

Macbook touchpad configuration tip for Fedora Linux